Volunteer Diaries: Meet Nikitha

“Many people can contribute their money and resources. But contributing our time to help others truly makes us better people,” says Nikitha Devi, a volunteer with Youngistaan Foundation.
Nikitha was introduced to Youngistaan Foundation in late 2018. Since then, she has made tremendous contributions as a member of the Animal Heroes and Cyber Congress programs and the annual carnivals. 

“I have always had a soft corner for animals. Before joining Youngistaan, I had only spent time with cute, ‘Instagrammable’ animals. Joining the Animal Heroes program was an eye-opener because I learned that a person’s love for animals is not just limited to popular breeds. All animals, strays and other breeds alike, should be cared for and treated with love. So, I started spreading awareness among children to treat animals with care. I looked after the animals in my community and provided them with food, medical care and vaccinations.
The annual carnivals organized by Youngistaan Foundation are my favourite. I had done similar activities in the past, but the concept of these carnivals was and still is unique and innovative to me. Playing games with little children and watching them get excited about little things makes me happiest! 
Volunteering has taught me how to be grateful for everything I have. When I step out and see the hardships some people have to face, it makes me realise how many much work there is to do. The world today is becoming a lot about doing things for ourselves. But the happiness gained by selflessly doing something for others can never be matched by other joys. The people working on-ground, devoting their time to help, are the real heroes in the world.”

Nikitha is one of the special volunteers who transformed into a leader and is now leading volunteers from five districts of Telangana in the Animal Heroes program. She has been a significant contribution and driving force behind many of our undertakings. For the spirit with which you make a difference in society, we salute you, Nikitha
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