Volunteer Diaries: Meet Harry, a volunteer who is always up for any task


“Growing up, my father taught me many valuable lessons, specifically: When you give to the needy, don’t let your left hand know, what your right hand does. Today, I attribute much of who I am, as a person, to my dad and he is my biggest inspiration,” says our very old, well- experienced volunteer, Harry James​.

What motivated you, to do social service?

I remember, when I was doing my MBA, back in 2009, my friend and I Rohit, spotted an old man on the roadside. He met with an accident and was injured badly. We immediately cleaned his wounds and called up 108-ambulance service. That man touched our feet, crying out of happiness.

Tell me about your journey in Youngistaan Foundation?

I was part of the cooking team for 4 years; we cooked for around 1000 people, every Sunday. I’m an active volunteer in the ‘Transformers Program’ from the time; we’ve started the program. I’m also part of the Media Team. I help in clicking pictures and recording videos. I’m glad and looking forward to help in team in anyway possible.

What touched your heart, when you were on one of these programs?

Out of the many stories that touched me, I would really like to share this one with you. 3 years back from now, while distributing food across the streets, we found a lean, old lady with a badly injured leg. On enquiring with her, she told us that it was her 15th day without food. We immediately shifted her to the hospital, after noticing that her leg was half- eaten by the maggots. The doctor’s, there said that it’d take a week for her, to be eligible for surgery. While still in the hospital taking treatment, she expired the day before her surgery. It broke my heart into pieces and I was all depressed for a week. All of our volunteers performed her last rites. It was a life changing moment for me.

“On enquiring with her, she told us that it was her 15th day without food. We immediately shifted her to the hospital, after noticing that her leg was half- eaten by the maggots”.

How as a person, you think you changed, after joining Youngistaan Foundation?

I was known for my laziness in my college days. I had a chance to overcome it here, in this organization. Now, I see myself not as a lazy but as an energetic, focused person.

Can you share any special moments in this organization that you will never forget?

While I was shooting for the carnival, I found pure joy while creating images. The kid’s energy and excitement built up so much positive energy in me. I’m thankful for this opportunity.

And now, talking about his interests, Harry is currently waiting for his UPSC exam results. He aspires to become a police officer. Also, photography has been his passion. He’s looking forward to have a production company of his own.

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