Theatre workshop for kids

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These kids are from our IndraNagar basti – teaching centre (Bright Spark Education Program).

Here you see them posing with their hard earned certificates (after 24 days of workshop). This was the very first time they acted, performed on a stage in costumes, in front of close to 200 people (including their parents).

We will be doing this with all our other teaching centres soon, so partner with us, volunteer with us and join us.

A big ‘Thank you’ for people who support us and to our super humble volunteers.


The Life Skills Project: Creative drama as life skills provides an affective space to children where they can express themselves imaginatively, gain confidence, learn to work with their peers, and explore empathy & other conflicting emotions.

Youngistaan Foundation collaborated with eminent theatre artist Vinay Varma (Sutradhar) to create such a space where children from the Gachibowli Learning Pocket participated in a 2-month long theatre workshop, which now culminates in a satire, ‘Kane Raja ki Nagari’.

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