In our on-ground and online programs with local communities, schools, old age homes, orphanages and more, we have joined hands with other NGOs in the development sector to combine our resources and to create lasting and meaningful change. While most of Youngistaan Foundation’s programs are staffed by Youngistaan Foundation personnel, we firmly believe in partnerships amongst NGOs to help further the impact we are seeking to make.
Our partnerships with NGOs in the development sector have led to:
- partnerships with schools to provide customized learning programs to enable students
- partnerships with orphanages to connect children with educational and health-and-hygiene material
- partnerships with old age homes to give homeless people access to care and shelter
- partnerships to conduct webinars between NGOs that specialize in different areas such as domestic violence, entrepreneurship, gender empowerment and more
If you wish to partner or have any other questions email arun@youngistaanfoundation.org, +919885342224