Give Her a chance and She will be Invincible!

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within, said the phenomenal Maya Angelou.


The early hours of 8th March 2015 saw the ever-enthusiastic Youngistaan volunteers moving around the KBR Park, Jubilee Hills, with several bunches of roses. Giving away a rose to every superwoman out there (joggers, GHMC cleaners, fruit sellers), the Youngistaan Foundation launched its new project ‘Women of Courage’ on International Woman’s Day.

“You made my day!” was something almost every woman said out loud. This gesture was welcomed with a wide smile and, was indeed, full of cheer and a wonderful start to the day. There was also something for the men – they were asked to sign a word of honour that read ‘I promise to respect all women’. The Foundation also visited 200 young girls at the Madhapur Government School (Madhapur ZPHS); motivating and uplifting them on this special day.




Someone once said that the strongest actions for a woman are to love herself, be herself, and shine amongst those who never believed she could. Believing in that very idea, the Women of Courage project aims to work with young girls, especially those in government schools and colleges, and encourage them to complete their education, build confidence in themselves, and help them believe that they can achieve whatever they wish to.

Women of Courage will also work to build a platform to help women in various walks of life. It will team up with other organisations to help fight gender discrimination and violence that women routinely face.



The Youngistaan Foundation encourages and invites you all to be a part of this idea, every single day – to help and motivate her because give her a chance and she will be invincible!


What are you waiting for? Join and Volunteer NOW – Register at:

About the Writer:
Nithya Shreya Meghna, 21-year-old Medical Student, Passionate Writer.

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