When the lockdown was announced in mid-March 2020, my parents and I were separated from each other. While my days consisted of working-from-home, household chores, and lots of Netflix – their days revolved around 5:00 pm.
5:00 pm is when we had our daily video calls. Dad would wash up and pat his face with a bit too much powder (as Indian fathers do) then spend ten minutes with Mom figuring out which buttons to press to make a video call.
COVID-19 affects elderly people more than other sections of the population due to pre-existing health conditions and decreased immune functions. Due to aging, it is difficult for them to perform what we consider simple tasks such as standing in line to search for groceries or navigating the complex world of e-commerce delivery apps.
But what the COVID-19 lockdown brought out for many senior citizens was the sudden realization that they were in a situation of near helplessness without being able to take care of themselves.
Those who spend time with their parents and grandparents understand their drive to do things on their own. Add to the mix the abandonment and neglect of their own family members – and it makes for a very heartbreaking scenario.

Delivering Essentials
Before the nationwide lockdown, we at Youngistaan Foundation shared an announcement on digital and print media encouraging senior citizens to call us for any help required. We began to receive calls from senior citizens living in the Secunderabad area, from concerned neighbors further away in Somajiguda and then from their children living in the United States, Australia, and the United Arab Emirates.
Over the next few months, our team of 50 volunteers (assigned only to attend to senior citizens) traveled to 62 homes to purchase and deliver groceries, medication, cooked food, and even accompanied a few senior citizens to the hospital for important appointments.*
Our teams consist of volunteers from the 16 to 40 age group who step out of their homes because they are passionate about ending the suffering brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. But there is more to it than delivering groceries to doorsteps.

Emotional Support
COVID-19 has impacted a lot – beyond the material – and our volunteers understand the impact it continues to have on the emotional health of senior citizens. Our teams are in touch with many elderly people who have been pushed out of their homes and ignored to the point of abandonment. We want to assuage their fears.
“I know you all are busy but if possible, please try to call me at least once a week. I do not have a girl child, it was nice talking to you on the phone. You seem like my daughter. Once again thank you very much for the favor.“
Elderly people are accustomed to performing activities in a certain manner and when there is a sudden change, they experience increased levels of anxiety which is harmful to their mental and physical health.
Our young volunteers are driven to make a personal connection with senior citizens to show them that this sudden global change and the absence of their family members or loved ones does not mean they are alone.

COVID-19 Awareness
It might be true that the older we get – the more we are set in our ways. So when this global pandemic changed the way we live, it was harder for some to switch gears.
Youngistaan Foundation considers it important to help senior citizens understand good practices, curfew and lockdown rules, and of course the necessity of wearing masks and maintaining good health and hygiene standards especially for people of their age group.
It is estimated that 20% of the population in India will be above the age of 60 by the year 2050. Either due to unconcern or helplessness on the part of their families, many senior citizens are dealing with the COVID-19 crisis alone.
Moving forward as a society means leaving no one behind. Our organization encourages everyone who is reading this to do what is possible for you to alleviate senior citizens’ suffering which is caused by this pandemic.
It could include delivering essential food and medicines, sharing important health and safety information, or even a 5:00 pm video call to let someone know that if they should require it – help is on the way.
——— Shirley Elizabeth Bobby
* Our volunteers follow all safety measures in accordance with Government regulations.